Mainan maze finger, Orbit Training Pen Control, Fingermaze

Ukuran: lihat gambar Kelengkapan: 16 kartu, 2 spidol, 2 Pin, 1 penghapus Mainan untuk melatih keseimbangan otak kiri dan kanan anak. Selain itu bisa untuk latih anak cara pegang pena. 1. It can improve children's hand-eye coordination, graphic color recognition ability. 2. Space concept , The training of logical thinking ability is conducive to multi-level thinking. 3. Cultivate children's concentration and endurance, strengthen memory, stimulate imagination and creativity. 4. Long-term games are good for healthy left and right brains and activate brain cells.


19 in stock

SKU: IBAMAINA0522504 Category:
Weight 0.6 kg
Dimensions 1 × 1 × 1 cm


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